“Red Rose” follows a group of teenagers on summer break from school. Rumors circulate about the Red Rose app, which encourages users to undertake a series of increasingly dangerous challenges.
The show centers on Rochelle Jackson, a teen who downloads the mysterious app. She and her friends must come together to fight the unseen forces of a seemingly supernatural entity.
The BBC said the series will explore the relationship between teenagers and their online lives and the seductive power of what is not real versus the real.
“We’re thrilled that our first show will be with the BBC,” the Clarkson twins said. “‘Red Rose’ is a love letter to our hometown and childhood. We get to explore what challenges face the bright but opportunity starved teenagers of today.”
“Working on the ‘Haunting of Hill House’ has prepared us well to undertake this genre driven challenge,” the pair added. “We can’t think of a better home for it than the BBC. It’s gonna be well good!”
Eleven Film and eOne will co-produce for BBC Three. Eleven Film produced the Sky Living series “The Enfield Haunting” (2015), based on the Guy Lyon Playfair book “This House is Haunted.”
“The Haunting of Hill House” premiered on Netflix in October. Netflix is developing a second season, “The Haunting of Bly Manor,” based on “The Turn of the Screw” and other works by author Henry James.
“Red Rose” will premiere on BBC Three and air on BBC One.