It’s A Freak Show!

The Freak Show
It’s A Freak Show!

It’s A Freak Show!

Mick and Allen, 20-year veterans of the Salt Lake radio market, joined KBER 101 in March of 2005. Consistently a top-performing show with all-male demographics, and showing up in the top ten with all adult demographics, Mick and Allen are two of the most dynamic on-air talents in the country.



Mick Martin said he started radio in 1979 because  “I didn’t have a clue what I was going to do with my life. I had such a great time doing radio that I just wanted to keep doing it and I wanted to become a program director until I met Allen and everything changed.”

Allen Handy started in radio in 1991, as he had to pay for an apartment, wife and kids and so needed a job. “I wanted to stay in radio because it’s so much fun,” he said. “Most people can’t wait to get home to get away from the rigamarole at work, but we can’t wait to get away from the rigamarole of life to get into work and have fun.”

“I have to pinch myself, saying how lucky I am that I get to do this, how lucky did I get?” said Martin.

Mick and Allen’s Freak Show airs weekdays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on KBER 101.


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