Logan police post video of vandalism suspects

Video Still Frame: Gephardt Daily/Logan Police Department

LOGAN, Utah Aug. 16, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — Police have posted video and photos of suspects in the ongoing vandalism at the Logan Pride Center and at homes of some of its LGBTQ members.

“We are looking for any information to help identify these two suspects or anyone else who has been involved in the destruction or theft of Pride flags over the recent weeks and months,” the Logan City Police Department said Wednesday in its second post on its investigation in two weeks.

“These two have identifiable clothing, if you know or suspect you know who these two individuals are please contact the police department at 435-753-7555 or Officer Harflinger at 435-716-9317.”

Video of the vandalism, which police say happened the night of Aug. 9, can seen by clicking here.

The department’s first alert came Aug. 5, noting “On July 27, 2024, several flags and poles were stolen and vandalized at the Logan Pride Center. Members of the LGBTQ+ community also came forward over the weekend to report the same issues happened at their home.”

The incidents have been occurring periodically, in clusters, for several months now, center officials say.

“Fortunately, it seems the damages have been limited to objects not people; we’re hopeful the spotlight will start to deter future behavior,” said Center Vice-President Nate Hess.


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