MURRAY, Utah, Jan. 30, 2018 (Gephardt Daily) — Police have released details after one man reportedly shot another in the face, leaving the victim in critical condition.
Murray police were called about the shooting at 2:45 p.m. Monday, and responded to the scene, at 154 W. 4535 South.
“The victim in the case was found to have a single gunshot wound to the face, and was later transported to the hospital in critical condition,” the probable cause statement says.
“Several witnesses in the area identified the shooter as the A/P (accused person) and indicated the A/P had fled. Information was disseminated to Utah Transit Authority Police Department about the suspect description. The A/P was located by UTA police on TRAX, accompanied by a female. The A/P was apprehended by officers.”
After being read his rights, 18-year-old suspect Tyler James Dalton told police he was there at the time of the shooting, the probable cause statement says. Dalton said he was playing with the firearm, “and upon attempting to set the firearm down, the firearm discharged, which the A/P indicated he observed strike the victim in the face.”
Those who saw the incident told police a different story.
“”Witnesses indicated the A/P was in possession of the firearm, and one witness observed the A/P shoot the victim in the face, and indicated the A/P stated ‘I’m going to shoot you’ prior to discharging the firearm.”
Murray Police officer Kenny Bass told Gephardt Daily on Monday that the shooting appeared to be drug-related.
The statement also said Dalton had marijuana, “which he admitted he had placed in his girlfriend’s purse.”
Dalton is in the Salt Lake County Jail, charged with:
- (Attempted aggravated) manslaughter, a third-degree felony
- Reckless endangerment, a Class A misdemeanor
- Possession of a controlled substance, a Class B misdemeanor
Charges could change if the victim dies or for other reasons.