OGDEN, Utah, March 2, 2021 (Gephardt Daily) — A woman stood sobbing outside Super Grocery, on north Monroe Boulevard in Ogden. Close friends and family took turns holding her, trying to offer comfort.
A group of people that would start out as dozens and end as hundreds stood a respectful distance away, positioned on the perimeter of the convenience store’s parking lot or on the sidewalk beyond.
“What happened?,” a newcomer asked someone standing in the grass.
“A man was murdered here last night,” the second man answered. “He was a friend to everyone. He took care of people who came in. He was one of my best friends.”
The scene was a vigil for 65-year-old Satnam Singh, the owner of Super Grocery for decades, who always had a kind word for customers, and who was known to give food to customers who were short on cash, asking them to pay when they could.
“I still owe him $3,” said the man standing in the grass. “I can’t believe he is gone.”

The crowd was bundled against near freezing temperatures, and many stood holding flowers or candles.
“Come closer and support this family,” said a man standing with the group by the store. “They need your support. We all need to come together. This man was my best friend.”
The crowd inched forward, and gathered closer to tight group at the front of the store.
“I came in her late every night, and I almost came in last night,” the same man said.”
Just before midnight Sunday night, Ogden Police say, a male estimated to be between age 16 and 24 entered the store and fatally shot Singh. The motive is unknown, police say. To see surveillance video and images of the suspect, click here.
“We’ve got to find him,” said a woman speaking in front of Super Grocery. “We live in this neighborhood. Check your cameras, and try to remember if you saw anything. Contact the Ogden Police.”
Parents held their children a little closer. Adults with red, swollen eyes stood silent.
“I can’t believe he is gone, a woman in the crowd told her friend. “I have known him forever. My children known him. I thought we would always know him.”
A woman in front sang a verse of “Amazing Grace.” People on one side lined up, waiting their turn to offer a few words to the family. Finally, someone in the front group thanked everyone for coming, and told them they could go. A few left, but many remained, chatting quietly with others.
“I’ll never forget him,” said one young man leaving the scene. “I could always talk to him, and he would always listen. He was my best friend.”