Feb. 4 (UPI) — A pair of House Democrats on Wednesday announced a new armed services subcommittee focused on cybersecurity and information technology.
House armed services committee Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., and Rep. James Langevin, D-R.I., issued a joint statement announcing the formation of the Subcommittee on Cyber, Innovative Technologies and Information Systems.
“As technology continues to advance at an incredibly rapid rate — from artificial intelligence to biotechnology and everything in between — it is critical that the Armed Services Committee redoubles our efforts to bridge the gap between current capabilities and future requirements,” they wrote.
Smith and Langevin said the subcommittee will have jurisdiction over cybersecurity, operations and forces; information technology, systems and operations; science and technology programs and policy; defense-wide research and development (except missile defense and space); artificial intelligence policy and programs; electromagnetic spectrum policy; electronic warfare policy and computer software acquisition policy.
The formation of the subcommittee follows a widespread cyberattack on SolarWinds network security software, which intelligence agencies have attributed to Russia.
President Joe Biden has pledged to make cybersecurity a top priority and work to “disrupt and deter our adversaries” from launching cyberattacks after the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned the scope of the attack was greater than initially thought.
“The committee established policies that will keep our nation safer and ready to respond to our adversaries,” Smith and Langevin wrote. “While we are proud of what has already been accomplished, we considered how a more targeted focus could help us achieve even more objectives in the domain.”