Missouri Man Charged with Threatening Obama

President Barack Obama
A Missouri man was charged with threatening to shoot and kill President Barack Obama with a high-powered rifle in the coming weeks. File Photo by Olivier Douliery/UPI.

Missouri Man Charged with Threatening Obama

A Missouri man was charged with threatening to shoot and kill President Barack Obama with a high-powered rifle in the coming weeks. File Photo by Olivier Douliery/UPI.
A Missouri man was charged with threatening to shoot and kill President Barack Obama with a high powered rifle in the coming weeks File Photo by Olivier DoulieryUPI

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., March 18 (UPI) — A Missouri man was charged with threatening to shoot and kill President Barack Obama with a high-powered rifle in the coming weeks.

Cameron James Stout of Stover, Mo. was charged in federal court for making threats against the president. On Tuesday, Stout had his first appearance in U.S. District Court and will face a federal jury to answer the charges.

Tammy Dickinson, United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, said investigators learned of the incident after Stout allegedly approached a confidential informant to purchase a weapon and get help with the assault.

“The confidential informant, a former Aryan Nation member, reported that Stout said he was going to kill the president and that he was serious,” Dickinson said in a written statement.

Dickinson went on to say the situation unfolded from March 14 through Tuesday as follows:

Stout and the informant met on March 14 to further discuss plans. Stout drew two diagrams of the White House area to identify the best locations for the shooting. At that time, Stout said he already owned a high-powered rifle and planned to use it. The pair met again Monday to further detail the plans.

The pair met for a final time Tuesday to finalize the shooting.

“Stout stated that his plan was to set up at Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo., and to shoot the president the next time he comes to Kansas City,” Dickinson said.

“Stout wanted the undercover officer to provide him with transportation to and from Kansas City. Stout allegedly stated that he was a competent shot up to 200 yards.”


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