Former Attorney General Posts YouTube Ad For Law Firm

Former Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff

Former Attorney General Posts YouTube Ad For Law Firm


SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – April 6, 2015 (Gephardt Daily)- Former Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff has posted a YouTube ad advertising his services as a criminal defense attorney.



Shurtleff was the state’s top prosecutor for 12 years and  now faces nine felony counts. He is scheduled to appear in 3rd District Court for a June 15 preliminary hearing. The charges include soliciting bribes, witness tampering, evidence tampering, obstructing justice, accepting a gift, and accepting employment that would impair judgment.

In his ad, Shurtleff focuses only on his expertise.

“Take it from me,” he says. “Dealing with the complex criminal legal system can be difficult and intimidating for most people. It’s critical that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney who will protect you every step of the way. As a three-term Utah Attorney General, I have the knowledge, the experience and the expertise and I will aggressively protect your rights. I’ve defended clients in matters related to DUI, theft, white collar crimes, drug crimes, domestic violence, assault, murder and sex crimes.

“So if you or a loved one have been arrested, are the target of a legal investigation or just find yourself in a tough legal battle, I’ll personally meet with you and find the best outcome for your situation. In my 12 years as Utah Attorney General, my personal motto was, ‘The people’s good is the highest law.’ The Shurtleff law firm, call us today for a free consultation.”

The ad, which was posted on April 3, currently has 430 views, three likes and 14 dislikes.

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