The Rocky Fire in Northern California

Northern Cal Fire Now At Nearly 50K Acres, At Least Two Dozen Homes Torched

A massive wildfire that has flamed nearly 50,000 acres in Northern California's dehydrated wine country continues to worry fire officials, who have barely been able to get a handle on the blaze after four days of trying.
Flooding And Landslides In India and Myanmar

Flooding And Landslides Devastate Parts Of India And Myanmar, Killing Dozens

Flooding also killed up to 17 people in Vietnam, and a landslide in Nepal, triggered by torrential rains, killed 36.
Photojournalist Dead In Mexico City

Photojournalist Found Dead After Hiding In Mexico City

Ruben Espinosa had reportedly sought refuge in the capital after being threatened in the state of Veracruz.
MH370 Discovered Door Merely A Domestic Ladder

Mh370: Discovered Plane Door On Island Apparently A Ladder

Recent debris discovered on the island of Reunion first believed to be a plane door is in fact a ladder that has no connection with Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, according to a Malaysian official.
Stanley Avenue and Crescent Street Shooting

Nine People Shot At Brooklyn House Party, All Survive

Nine people were shot at a house party in New York City early Sunday; the motive of the attack remains unclear.
NY Grants Marijuana Permits To Five Medical Companies

NY Grants Permits To Five Medical Marijuana Companies

A little more than one year after New York legalized medical marijuana, the health department selected five organizations to grow and sell the product throughout the state Friday.
Sailboat With Dead Body Washer Ashore in Massachusetts

Sailboat with Dead Body Aboard Washes Ashore in Massachusetts

A sailboard ran aground near a public park in northeastern Massachusetts on Friday afternoon. Inside was a dead body.
Drones May Soon Carry Blood Samples

Drones May Soon Carry Blood Samples To The Lab

Prior to the study, researchers were concerned the drone's acceleration or sudden landing would destroy the blood cells or cause the blood to coagulate.
911 Dispatcher Hangs Up On caller

911 Dispatcher Resigns After Telling Frantic Caller “Deal With It Yourself”

A 911 dispatcher resigned after he told a frantic caller to "deal with it yourself" and hung up as she was trying to get help for a friend who had just been shot in the chest.
Families Of Missing Florida Teens End Private Search

Officials Debate ‘When To Suspend’ Search For Missing Florida Boys

As the search for two teenage boys who have been missing off the coast of South Florida enters the fifth day, the U.S. Coast Guard extended the search area to Georgia for a second day.
Leader Of Pakistani Sunni Militant Group, Killed In Shootout

Malik Ishaq, Leader Of Pakistani Sunni Militant Group, Killed In Shootout

Malik Ishaq, leader of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Sunni militant group in Pakistan, was killed during a gunbattle as his supporters attempted to free him from police custody.
140K Jobs Added in August

White House To Restore Pell Grants To Prisoners

The Obama administration plans to extend Pell grants to some federal and state prison inmates taking college courses.
Meagan Grunwald

Utah Teen Imprisoned for Deputy’s Death Seeking New Trial

A Utah County teen convicted of murder has requested a new trial, claiming the judge was biased, according to the Herald Extra.
35 Bill Cosby Accusers Pose For New York Magazine Cover

35 Bill Cosby Accusers Pose For New York Magazine Cover

The July 27 edition of New York Magazine features 35 women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault.