Replacing Harrison Ford? Indiana Jones Producer Says “We Have to Figure This Out”

Photo Courtesy: Paramount Pictures

HOLLYWOOD, CALLIFORNIA – October 28, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) — Indiana Jones fans don’t worry, Dr Jones isn’t going anywhere. Well at least for a time.

Producer Frank Marshall said in a recent interview with ‘Total Film,’ “There are a lot of rumors… We haven’t even sat down to talk about Indy yet… at some point we’ll sit down. But there’s a bunch of people who could probably take the baton. [But we are] not doing the ‘Bond’ thing where we’re going to call somebody else Indiana Jones… we have to figure this out.

Rumors surrounding the possible fifth installment to the franchise kicked off almost as soon as the fourth, which starred Harrison Ford and Shia LeBeouf, hit theaters.

But it seems there’s a lot of thinking that needs to go into a fifth “Indiana Jones” film. Harrison Ford, who turns 73 this year has said he’s up for doing a fifth. The current plot ideas are being bandied about with “Indy’ mentoring a younger version of himself or, perhaps, he finally finds the fountain of youth and the new ‘younger’ version gets the new franchise.

Photo Courtesy: wikipedia
Photo Courtesy Wikipedia

It’s your guess.

But keep in mind, Steven Spielberg has said (in recent interviews) he would love to direct another ‘Indy’ film starring Harrison Ford. So just maybe we’ll all get our wish and see Ford once again with the fedora and whip.


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