WEST JORDAN, Utah, June 9, 2016 (Gephardt Daily) — Two girls were injured Thursday afternoon in a West Jordan crosswalk when they were struck by a car.
West Jordan Police Lt. Richard Bell said the accident happened just after noon, at 8200 South and 5600 West, when two girls, ages 11 or 12, were straddling the bicycles they had been riding, walking the bikes through a crosswalk.
“They were in the crosswalk headed west across 5600 West when a man driving a Chevy Equinox southbound did not see them and hit both of the girls,” Bell said. “One of the girls was taken by ambulance to Primary Children’s Hospital in serious condition with a possible broken leg and some head injuries.”
Bell said the other girl was taken by her parents to a hospital in Riverton as a precaution because she had abrasions and bruising.

“The girls were also carrying the orange flags in their hands for added visibility,” Bell said. “The case will be submitted to the city prosecutor to be screened for charges.”
Bell said the incident is a good reminder that kids are out of school and to use extra precaution when driving.
“It is important everyone remembers to pay attention as they drive,” Bell said. “It is also a good time to talk to kids to be extra cautious just in case others don’t see them.”
Bell said both girls are expected to recover.
The girls were both 11 (friends/neighbors of ours), and they were hit in the same exact spot my son Collin was hit and killed on 11/2/11. It really shook our neighborhood up again. The city really needs to do something about that intersection!
They need to AT LEAST have flashing lights on that crosswalk, if but have an actual stop light. Traffic is so bad there for cats turning left onto 5600 west, but more importantly for all those kids at the many schools surrounding there.
The kids that were hit here are my kids friends and o am very glad that these girls are okay don’t know if the would not be okay
While the city may need to think about doing something to the intersection how drivers pay attention. They were in the crosswalk with orange flags and driver did not see them? I’m so sick of seeing this. I don’t know how many times I have almost been hitting crossing the street legally. People are in too big of hurry and don’t watch other cars let alone someone walking. There needs to be stricter punishments for people like this and maybe people will pay more attention to those of us crossing the streets on foot or bike.
Does anyone have an update on the girls?