SLCo DA’s Office files charges against 3 adults, 3 juveniles after shooting death of Millcreek teen

File photo: Unified Police/Gephardt Daily

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Sept. 10, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill announced charges filed against Whitney Michelle Vasquez, Jaden Dino Papenfuss, Jayvon Dajon Cooper, and three juveniles for their alleged connection to a fatal shooting of a 14-year-old at apartments in Millcreek.

On Aug. 25, 2024, a witness told police she was at the Monaco Apartments at 4110 South and 465 East at around 2:30 p.m. when she saw someone, later identified as the 14-year-old victim J.M., walk by her apartment, then she saw an older brown four-door sedan come and stop behind the male. Three of the occupants got out of the vehicle and shot at J.M., who weaved to avoid being hit, a news release from Gill’s office says..

“The shooters then got back into the car and turned towards an exit from the apartment complex. The witness then heard six to eight shots. After being shot, J.M. was taken to the hospital to undergo surgery, but he passed away that afternoon.”

While at the hospital, an anonymous individual told police the suspects were all NIB gang members, the statement says.

“The investigation determined that 14-year-old J.D., 14-year-old E.T., and 15-year-old K.I. had gotten together with Jaden Dino Papenfuss and Jayvon Dajon Cooper to celebrate J.D.’s birthday. While picking up Mr. Cooper, Mr. Papenfuss identified the victim and told the teens to get out of the car and shoot him.

“Later, another juvenile, G.M., allegedly picked up some of the suspects after the incident and was involved in a plan to try and bury the guns used in the shooting

Vasquez, Papenfuss’ biological mother, allegedly tried to cover up the crime by having her father remove easily identifiable stickers and delete home surveillance footage of the males as they returned from the murder, the news release says.

“Furthermore, Ms. Vasquez was recorded in the police station allegedly agreeing to Mr. Papenfuss’ request to have her convince J.D. to turn himself in and take accountability because of his age. Mr. Papenfuss’ request to have J.D. take accountability for the shooting is a common strategy for older gang members, given the leniency of the juvenile justice system.

“Three youth have been charged by information and we are seeking transfer on those three youth, believed to be the shooters, into district court.”

Charges on G.M. are still being screened by the Salt Lake County District Attorney’s Office .

Papenfuss and Cooper are each charged with one count of first-degree felony murder, one count of second-degree felony obstruction of justice, and five counts of third-degree felony discharge of a firearm. Vasquez is charged with three counts of second-degree felony obstruction of justice.

“We mourn the loss of the 14-year-old teen who was simply walking through a parking lot in the middle of the day, an activity that should be safe anywhere in our community,” Gill said in the released statement.

“Youth violence will be aggressively prosecuted by this office. We appreciate the days of investigation by Unified Police Department detectives that helped lead to these charges being filed. All persons accused of wrongdoing are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.”


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