FARMINGTON, Utah, Dec. 14, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) — A popular water hole in Farmington got a festive makeover this weekend, coloring it bright green.
The Davis County Sheriff’s Office, Environmental Health Department, Farmington Fire and Farmington Police all responded Sunday to reports that the water at the pond appeared to be green in color.
In a press release issued Monday morning, the Environmental Health Department ran several tests on the water and determined it to be a non-toxic dye placed in the water. The water’s pH levels are normal and will not harm any wildlife. Initial tests reveal this is the same type of dye that is used to check water flow and is environmentally safe.
The placement of the dye is now being investigated by Farmington Police Department as a criminal mischief prank. The Farmington Pond is a non-drinking water source that runs down into Farmington Bay.
Sheriff’s deputies said the pond water will be green for a couple of days, but is not harmful to humans or the environment.
Public questions can be directed to the Davis Environmental Health Department at 801-525-5128.