Democratic Presidential hopeful Martin O'Malley told supporters in New Hampshire that he plans to take on the NRA after last week's shooting at a Colorado Springs, Colo. Planned Parenthood clinic. Photo by Steve Pope/UPI
SOMERSWORTH, N.H., Dec. 1 (UPI) — Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley has vowed to take on the National Rifle Association..The Democratic presidential hopeful spoke to a small gathering of the Somersworth Democratic Committee in Somersworth, N.H. on Monday. He said Americans have become desensitized to one mass shooting after another. Foster’s Daily Democrat reports there were about 50 people present..“One day it is Planned Parenthood, another day it is a church basement, then a school shooting,” O’Malley said. “Can you imagine what we would be doing as a nation if it was ISIL carrying out these attacks, rather than our own people?”According to the site, last week’s shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colo. was the 379th mass shooting in America this year.”I don’t think the NRA is as strong as the rest of us,” O’Malley continued. “So I intend to take them on.”He proposed four key reforms: an end to immunity for gun manufacturers, implementing universal background checks, instituting a ban an assault weapons and making it easier to trace weapons.
O’Malley has previously taken a hardline stance against the NRA. During last month’s televised Democratic presidential debate, he touted significant gun control measures he passed in Maryland. He also bragged about his “F” grade from the NRA. The group tweeted during the debate that O’Malley had earned the grade.