Senate To Vote On Bill Protecting Breastfeeding Mothers


Senate To Vote On Bill Protecting Breastfeeding Mothers

Courtesy: Wikipedia

The Senate is voting on a bill that would prevent employers from discriminating against women who decide they want to work and breastfeed their children.

House Bill 105, sponsored by Rep. Justin Miller, (D-Salt Lake City), focuses on women who decide they want to work and breastfeed their kids.

The bill would add breastfeeding to Utah’s anti-discrimination act, meaning employers couldn’t make hiring, firing, or other decisions based on a woman’s choice to breastfeed.

Critics of the bill in the House include Rep. LeVar Christensen (R-Draper), who said that the state’s anti-discrimination act is already strong enough to protect breastfeeding mothers.

For the full text of the bill, follow the link below.


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