Film Review: “Danny Collins,” “The Longest Ride” and “Freetown”

Danny Collins

Film Review: “Danny Collins,” “The Longest Ride” and “Freetown”

“Danny Collins”

MPAA Rating: R

Running Time: 106 Minutes

Toscano’s Take:

Danny Collins
Photo IMDB

Rating: B

Inspired by a true story. Al Pacino stars as aging 1970’s rocker Danny Collins, who can’t give up his hard-living ways. But when his manager uncovers a 40-year-old undelivered letter written to him by John Lennon, he decides to change course and embarks on a heartfelt journey to rediscover his family.

Along with Pacino, the film stars Bobby Cannavale, Jennifer Garner and Annette Bening. This a wonderfully paced and acted film about regret and reconnecting .

We have seen so many films where a family falls apart, Danny Collins offers us a chance to witness a family coming together while redeeming its main character.

I liked the film and I think you till, too. It gets a B and is rated R.


Starring:                                       Studio:

Al Pacino                                              Bleeker Street

Bobby Cannavale

Jennifer Garner

Annette Bening


Photo imdb

“The Longest Ride”  

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Running Time: 139 Minutes

Toscano’s Take:Rating: B

Based on Nicholas Sparks’ novel, this film, like “The Notebook,” deals with the past and present intersecting as two love stories are interwoven.

The main story deals with a career-bound young woman who meets a bull-rider. Nicholas Sparks’ trademark theme of coming together from different worlds is in full force as Sophia played by Britt Robertson and Luke played by Clint Eastwood’s son Scott meet and fall in love.

The other story is a widower, played by Alan Alda, who is remembering his life and the time with his wife.

“The Longest Ride” is a formula film, but in this case the formula works and delivers an emotional punch. It’s a three-hanky movie, ladies . . . and that translates into a B. It’s rated PG-13.


Starring:                                       Studio:

Britt Robertson                                  20th Century Fox

Scott Eastwood

Alan Alda


Photo imdb


MPAA Rating: PG-13

Running Time: 113 Minutes

Toscano’s Take:Rating: B –

Based on true events. Six Liberian missionaries caught in the middle of a civil war flee the widespread violence of their native country. Their destination: Freetown, Sierra Leone, 370 miles away. With the help of a driver named Phillip (Henry Adolfo), the missionaries begin to make the difficult journey out. But their troubles are compounded by a rebel fighter bent on killing one of their own.

The film is written and produced by Utah filmmakers Adam Abel and Garrett Batty, who brought you “The Saratov Approach” in 2013.

“Freetown” is well worth seeing. It offers some thrilling moments and although the acting is a bit underwhelming, the intensity of the film grows with each mile the boys travel.

Overall, “Freetown” actually manages to entertain and keep you interested. It gets a B- and is rated PG-13.


Starring:                                       Studio:

Henry Adolfo                                    Three Coin Productions

Michael Attram

Alphonse Menyo


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