Meet ‘Sesame Street”s beautiful new character! ‘The Todd and Erin Morning Stream’ — March 22, 2017

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, March 22, 2017 (Gephardt Daily) — “Sesame Street” introduced a beautiful new puppet this week with autism — helping other little ones understand their friends, their classmates and family members on the autism spectrum. Bring a tissue.

March Madness roars on with tempers flaring — not the Wichita coach, mind you, but his wife — and she got tossed from the game. Meet the Stupidest Man In North America and how he handles an ant problem.

How much should you spend on a wedding? A million-dollar affair in the Hamptons turned out to be a disaster in more than one way. Flying men in a deck chair with balloons, thieves swallowing their loot and oh, so much more on “The Todd and Erin Morning Stream” today.


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