Provo police announce roadwork on Bulldog Boulevard, 500 West Monday, Tuesday

PROVO, Utah, April 29, 2019 (Gephardt Daily) — Provo police have announced closures on Bulldog Boulevard at 500 West Monday and Tuesday of this week.

“The north-south movement through the intersection will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, 4/29-4/30,” said a tweet from Provo Police Department. “This is to allow our power subcontractor on the Bulldog Boulevard project time to trench across the intersection and install the required conduit for the aerial-to-underground work.”

East-west traffic on Bulldog Boulevard (1200 North) will be able to proceed as normal and drivers will be able to access 300 West south of Bulldog.

“It is only access into and out of the neighborhood north of Bulldog that will be affected,” the tweet said.


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