Weber Sheriff’s Office say they’ve solved holiday burglary spree

PLAIN CITY, Utah, Dec. 6, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — Police believe they’ve solved a spree of burglaries and thefts of cash, drugs and guns that extended through Thanksgiving Day.

“On November 26, 27, and 28, a significant number of burglaries and vehicle thefts were reported in Plain City and the northwest area of unincorporated Weber County,” the Weber County Sheriff’s Office said in an online press release. 

“These cases generally involved a suspect gaining access to garages and vehicles that were unlocked, and stealing valuables that were left in the vehicles including multiple firearms, cash, and prescription medications.”

Over the subsequent holiday weekend deputes identified a suspect, and served a search warrant on his residence leading to the arrest of the suspect, a juvenile, the sheriff’s office said. 

The search and investigation led to detectives searching Lee Olsen Park in Plain City. Utilizing a police dog trained in explosives detection, investigators located multiple stolen firearms hidden at the park.

The suspect was booked into Weber Valley Detention Center, juvenile jail, on suspicion of felony charges related to multiple burglary cases. Officers are still tallying all the stolen items and incidents to determine exactly what and how many charges to be filed by prosecutors in the coming days, according to the Tuesday evening press release. 

“As a reminder for all the citizens we serve, burglary and theft are often crimes of opportunity,” the sheriff’s office said. “These offenders generally skip over locked vehicles and homes, and target those that are unsecured.

“Please lock your doors, lock your vehicles, and do not leave firearms in your vehicles unattended.”


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