WASHINGTON, April 17 (UPI) — House Speaker Paul Ryan reiterated Tuesday that he will not enter the Republican race for president this year, no matter who wants him to take on Donald Trump.
Ryan, R-Wisc., who ruled out a 2016 run last week, felt the need to emphasize that refusal at a news conference Tuesday afternoon.
“I simply believe that if you want to be the nominee — to be the president — you should actually run for it,” he said. “I chose not to. Therefore, I should not be considered. Period.
“Count me out.”
Ryan has been encouraged by some — particularly former house speaker John Boehner — to run in the event no existing candidate secures the necessary 1,237 Republican delegates before this summer’s nominating convention.
“I thought I was pretty clear, to be candid with you,” a seemingly frustrated Ryan added. “I saw Boehner last night and I told him to knock it off.”
Advocacy of a Ryan campaign is largely due to ongoing unrest in the party over Trump’s front-runner status — which could hinder the eventual Republican nominee in November’s election.
Perhaps one reason for the ongoing encouragement for Ryan to jump into the race is the Wisconsin representative also initially said no to running for House speaker last fall — a refusal he ultimately dropped.
However, Ryan said this is an entirely different scenario.
“Apples and oranges,” he said, “Being Speaker of the House is a far cry from being President of the United States.”