Shine A Light On Slavery

27,000,000 people in the world are slaves to bonded labor, forced labor and human trafficking. The END IT Movement is a campaign that was created to help “Shine a light on slavery” and end it.
The END IT Movement is “a Coalition of the leading organizations in the world in the fight for FREEDOM.” The coalition works to bring awareness, prevention, rescue, and restoration.
On the END IT movement website, it states that 27 million people holding hands is enough to circle the planet earth once, equal to the entire population of Texas, and enough people to fill every professional football stadium 12 times.
The END IT Movement also created the platform of 27×7. The goal is to create a team of 27 people that each donates $7 raising $189 per team. So far the coalition has raised $195,458 to go towards fighting slavery through the following ways:

For the third year in a row February 27th has been declared “Shine a light on slavery day.”
Athletes, celebrities, and people all over the world are participating in the End It Movement campaign. Advocates encourage individuals to paint a red x on their hands and posting photos on social media to raise awareness.
Atlanta Hawks shooting guard, Kyle Korver told “One of the challenges the people who are in slavery are facing is they don’t have a voice, they’re just caught in horrible circumstances and so we’re trying to be that voice for them, there’s obviously several steps and several phases to abolishing slavery, but the first is awareness and we need to get the word out.”
Slavery is happening in countries around the world including the U.S.. It is estimated that 60,100 are enslaved right here in America.
Bonded labor is when a person is forced into slavery in order to repay a loan. The labor then becomes worth more than the original price and the person is trapped.
Forced labor is when a person is forced to do some type of labor, against their will, with little or no pay and threats of punishment.
Human trafficking is the kidnapping or sale of individuals to traffickers that use force, fraud, or coercion to lure their victims and force them into labor or commercial sexual exploitation.
To participate in the END IT Movement visit or paint a red x on your hand and post a photo to social media using the #ENDITMovement .