Gas Leak in Layton Forces Evacuation of Businesses and Daycare

Layton Gas Leak
Photo Courtesy: Layton City

LAYTON, UTAH – August 26, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) – A gas leak in Layton has forced the evacuations of several businesses as well as a local daycare Wednesday morning.

According to Layton City, the Fire Department started the evacuations around 8 a.m in the area of 90 N. Cross St. near Touch of Class Dance Studio, Davis County Glass and Play-2-Learn Academy.

Photo Courtesy: Layton City
Photo Courtesy Layton City

It is not clear how the gas leak happened however they did say the leak is a two inch line. Questar Gas crews are currently on scene trying to contain the leak as fire crews stand by with hoses for fire protection.

There were nearly 50 children in the daycare as well as employees in the businesses.

According to Tox Town high exposure to natural gas can cause loss of consciousness or even death. If the natural gas leak that has occurred and is severe enough, oxygen can be reduced, causing dizziness, fatigue, nausea, headache, and irregular breathing.

Exposure to low levels of natural gas is not harmful to your health.



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