Hogle Zoo’s baby gorilla, Addo, hits growth milestones, snuggles with mom Pele

Screen grab from Hogle Zoo video of Addo and mom Pele.

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Sept. 25, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — Baby Addo is drawing rave reviews as he navigates childhood.

The 4-month-old gorilla is “hitting growth milestones left and right,” Hogle Zoo announced this week. “Animal care teams have observed at least eight teeth (and counting) in the youngster, who has started munching on twigs and greens alongside his troop.

“He’s getting stronger by the day, holding tight to mom Pele’s back, starting to crawl, and even beginning to stand up on his own. Dad Husani and sister Georgia are eagerly awaiting the chance to play with their littlest troop member.”

The toddler gorilla represents an important step in the conservation of western lowland gorillas, the zoo said. As a critically endangered species, every birth is vital to maintaining a genetically diverse and healthy gorilla population.

“Gorillas face threats like hunting and deforestation, largely due to coltan mining — a mineral found in cell phones. Want to help protect gorillas in their natural habitat? Donate your old electronics — whether broken, old, locked, drowned, or bedazzled — to the zoo!”

Coltan can be extracted from old devices and recycled in new electronics, decreasing the need for destructive mining practices, according to the zoo.

“You can also support gorilla conservation by visiting our resident troop: Husani, Mary, Jabali, Georgia, Pele, and, of course, baby Addo, here at the zoo.”

To see a recording of Addo in action, click this link.

Screen grab from Hogle Zoo video of Addo


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