New: 2 confirmed cases of mumps in Salt Lake County schools; 4 probable cases await diagnosis

Photo illustration: UPI

SALT LAKE COUNTY, Utah, Feb, 16, 2017 (Gephardt Daily) — The Salt Lake County Health Department announced Thursday it is investigating two confirmed cases of mumps in area schools.

This mumps outbreak joins an unrelated measles outbreak in underscoring the importance of all community members being current on recommended vaccines, according to a news release from SLCoHD.

The news release offers the following information about mumps and measles, and information is also available on the SLCoHD Facebook page.

The two people infected with mumps attend the same school, and SLCoHD has notified individuals associated with the affected school. In addition to these two confirmed cases, the department is investigating an additional four probable mumps cases that are awaiting test results. These probable cases had contact with one of the confirmed cases.

Four of the six total mumps cases had received at least one MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that one MMR is 78 percent effective in preventing mumps; the recommended two doses of MMR are 88 percent effective against the disease.

Symptoms of mumps include fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue and swollen, tender salivary glands under one or both ears. Some people who get mumps have very mild or no symptoms, and often they do not know they have the disease. Most people with mumps recover completely in a few weeks, but in some cases mumps can result in serious complications, including deafness, meningitis or encephalitis.

In Salt Lake County’s ongoing measles outbreak, officials have confirmed one more case in addition to the case announced last week. The new case had contact with the first case.

One of the two individuals with measles had received one MMR vaccine. One MMR is 93 percent effective in preventing measles; two doses of MMR are 97 percent effective.

Symptoms of measles include a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, cough, runny nose and a rash that spreads to cover the body. The rash usually occurs within two weeks of exposure. The virus is transmitted by respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing, and is so contagious that over 90 percent of people in close contact with an infectious person will get the disease if they’re not immunized.

If you develop symptoms of measles, call your healthcare provider and let them know you may have measles. It is important that you do not visit a physician’s office, emergency room, lab or any medical clinic without first calling the facility and informing them of your exposure to measles. This will enable the facility to take the necessary precautions to protect other individuals from possible exposure.

In the case of both measles and mumps, the public health system has notified individuals who may have had contact with the infected residents.

The MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is widely available at your health care provider or local health department. For an immunization appointment, call 385-468-SHOT (7468).


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