BOUNTIFUL, Utah, Nov. 30, 2016 (Gephardt Daily) — More than a week after the funeral for Annie Schmidt, daughter of Piano Guy’s musician Jon Schmidt, her message of joy, peace and kindness continues to resonate with 10s of thousands of people she never met.
The story of her Oct. 16 disappearance while hiking in the Columbia Gorge, near Portland, Ore., was shared by her famous father on social media, and spread quickly through fans, family, friends and strangers.
While search and rescue professionals scoured the Gorge, members of the faith community — including members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who which the Schmidt family belongs — joined in with prayers and fasting.
Annie Schmidt’s body was recovered on Nov. 11, and her funeral in Bountiful was held 10 days later. And that’s where the people who had only known of Annie after her death got to learn about how she lived.
Among the speakers was Annie’s mother, Michelle Schmidt, who shared highlights of a “manifesto” her then-teenage daughter wrote for her twin sons as they started high school as sophomores. It was Annie’s fervent wish that her brothers not be “jerks,” her mother explained, laughing.
A few days later, Michelle Schmidt shared the full manifesto — Annie’s advice on how to live a good and impactful life — on the Remembering Annie Schmidt Facebook page.
The post, which has earned 968 reactions, 149 shares and 118 comments, follows:
Dear Jonny and Chris,
As you enter high school everyone around you is going to be very VERY excited. The sophomores are excited about finally entering high school, fulfilling their dream of becoming someone new, changing how things used to be, becoming extremely popular, or (like for you), just having as much fun as possible! The Juniors will be excited that you are coming in (even though they won’t admit it) so that they aren’t on the bottom anymore. They will think “now I am officially part of this school and can act like I run the place a little bit more.”
Please, dear Jonny and Chris, don’t let the fact that you are sophomores and that some people will want to treat you badly or exclude you, just because that is how they were treated as sophomores, keep you from SHINING your light and being as involved in the school with every (and any) crowd or group you desire and as much as possible!
As for the Seniors, they will be pumped out of their minds to become “thee Bountiful kids” in charge, as seen in the rest of the school’s and community’s minds! They want to be followed. They want to be seen as much as possible! On the front row of EVERYTHING. They want to seem like they are calm, collected, and don’t really care about ANY of that “high school stuff”…BUT THEY DO. Every single one of them. Like the sophomores, they want to become as popular as possible and extend their influence far and wide! Well, the thing is, that they usually (pretty much always) succeed! Their influence changes and affects the entire school, even the entire community for that whole year. But THEN, guess what? It ENDS.
You are lost in a goal to, “be cool,” or“be popular.” And before you even have time to wake up and realize it, you have been pursuing a goal that has no valuable reward… for 3 years (that is longer than a mission), and you have dedicated that time to sheer selfishness. And before you know it, IT’S ALL OVER. You feel confused, upset, torn, and uneasy as you watch the Juniors quickly and easily fill your spot as “KINGS AND QUEENS.” You watch them go on so easily and readily without you…willingly letting go of your presence, BECAUSE THEY HAVE THEIR OWN SENIOR YEAR to worry about now! And everyone is way too busy worrying about themselves.
Does that sound appealing? If it does, then by all means go for it! Go have that same high school experience! It will have ups and downs. But mostly just “eh’s” and “blah” days. Sure you will do some exciting things and make some crazy memories…but once you are gone, you are truly gone.
However, if that DOESN’T sound fulfilling, meaningful, worthy of 3 years of your mortal test and chance to serve and share the blessings you’ve BEEN GIVEN and to become like God…well then…maybe you might want to listen…maybe even take to heart and act upon what I am about to say.
IF you want to TRULY be remembered and have a LASTING influence and effect on your school and community…STRIVE TO ALWAYS BE MOTIVATED BY LOVE. Desire to serve, because you care about your eternal brothers and sisters all around you (and not to mention potential eternal best friends!) The best kind of leader is motivated by charity, the pure love of Christ…and something I KNOW to be true is that CHARITY NEVER FAILETH!
In other words: If you sit by lonely people at lunch, because you care about them, YOU WILL BE HAPPY.
IF you invite people who are different, the same, insecure, mediocre, stand out, or blend in, to join your friend circle (in class, at events, etc.) and if they can feel that care and charity from you…and when you SEE the AFFECT of them suddenly grasping the fact that you are doing this, not for attention, to be popular, good, whatever, BUT FOR THEM…YOU WILL BE HAPPY.
IF you ask a girl on a date, who may not be the most popular or pretty, (but she had a wise and inspiring comment in seminary), because you want her to know that she is also of much worth and that you admire and encourage her strenuous efforts to do what is right…seeing and feeling the appreciation in her eyes and from her heart…THIS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY.
Taking ONE SONG during each school dance to dance with someone outside your group of friends (choose a different group and truly dance with them). DO IT FOR THEM, not to show off your dance moves, have them show you their best moves! Compliment them! Build them up! …..They will feel cared for, special, important, and maybe even cool…You will see it in their eyes and feel it from their heart and…YOU WILL FEEL HAPPY. Soooo here’s the thing. I could go on and on, but it would be so cool if you guys could absorb the idea of LEADING WITH CHARITY and just make it your own!! Keep the spirit with you and do ANY and EVERY random thing HE prompts you to do and I promise that you will make a mark for good, not only in the heart of your school, but upon EACH and EVERY human heart you take even just 5 minutes to care for and to encounter EVERYDAY. I promise that this mark will be lasting. In the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.