Teen Could Face Attempted Murder Charges After Running Over Mom

MIDVALE, UTAH – MAY 5, 2015 (GEPHARDT DAILY) – A 17-year-old teen from Midavale ran over his mom with a SUV after she attempted to stop him from leaving their home.
According to Jared Richardson, detective with the Unified Police Department, the mom stepped out in front of the SUV and the teen stepped on the gas and ran over the top of her. “He then attempted to flee, speeding out of the neighborhood and tried to make a corner but was not able to successfully make the turn. He ended up crossing two lanes, went over a curb and sidewalk before hitting both a pole and a mailbox and then crashing into a parked vehicle,” said Richardson.
After he hit the parked car the teen got out of the vehicle and ran towards his house, past his mom then turned to run out of the neighborhood where he was apprehended by police. “He is currently booked into the Juvenile Detention Center and if his charges are enhanced to attempted murder it would make him eligible to be tried as an adult,” said Richardson.
The courts will make any determination based on the charges he will face however he is currently booked in under aggravated assault charges and hit and run.
Due to the age of the suspect, police are not releasing the identity of the mother. Richardson confirmed she is still in serious condition but as of this morning she is improving.