UTAH, July 4, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — The Utah Department of Health has reported a spike in daily COVID-19 cases.
Saturday’s new cases, confirmed in the past 24 hours, stand at 676, the highest number to date.
No new deaths were reported in the same time period, so total confirmed COVID-19 deaths in Utah remain at 181.
Utah has now documented 24,524 cases of coronavirus. The 676 new cases represent a 2.8% increase since Friday.
A total of 366,716 COVID-19 tests have been performed, 10,080 of them in the past 24 hours, the Utah Department of Health daily update says.
Of Utah tests, 6.7% tested positive.
Total COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Utah number 1,565.
At present, 193 are hospitalized, an increase of 26 since Friday.
Patients classified as recovered, defined as still living three weeks after diagnosis, number 13,807.
The chart below shows numbers broken down by area of the state.