SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Sept. 7, 2017 (Gephardt Daily) — Imagine opening your front door and watching the Weber wildfire burning right towards you.
We have some outrageous pictures for you! And since we’ve apparently offended the weather gods, we’ve also got the latest from Hurricane Irma and how everyone’s coping. It must be nice to be a billionaire: Richard Branson’s weathering the storm down in his wine cellar.
There’s everything from the Utah State Fair to the Get In The River Festival this weekend, we have all your Free and Fun Along the Wasatch Front for you! In Tell Me Something Good, we’ll tell you about a teenager who crawled out on to a perilous girder to talk down a woman trying to commit suicide.
And imagine finding something in YOUR SALAD that you decide to keep as a pet? Plus! Be sure to comment on the show today when we talk about dinner for four at Christopher’s Prime Steakhouse win a glorious Night of Meat, along with limo service from Executive Transportation. What a day!!