Utah children’s charity opens bidding for Post Malone’s autographed guitar

Post Malone has donated a signed guitar as a fundraiser to benefit a Utah program for abused children. Photos: Malone by UPI/Jim Ruymen; guitar, Cottonwood Heights Police

COTTONWOOD HEIGHTS, Utah, March 17, 2022 (Gephardt Daily) — The bidding is officially open for a Fender Squire guitar signed and donated by Utah resident and mega-successful recording artist Post Malone.

Malone — a Utahn by choice, not birth — donated the instrument to the Cottonwood Heights Police Department to benefit a Camp HOPE America-Utah, a program intended to empower child victims of crime.

“CHPD is helping the Salt Lake District Attorney’s Office raise money for Camp Hope Utah sponsoring abused kids,” the Cottonwood Heights Police’s original Post post says.

Well, the request for offers turned into a full blown auction after the word spread. Gephardt Daily’s story alone reached more than 85,000 readers.

Posty, after all, is a top recording artists who has sold more than 80 million records and won 10 Billboard Music Awards, three American Music Awards, and one MTV Video Music Award. He has also earned six Grammy nominations.

So the update is this: If you’re interested in bidding, please email: [email protected].

The auction ends March 30.

Post Malone has donated a signed guitar as a fundraiser to benefit a Utah program for abused children Photos Cottonwood Heights Police Department

To learn more about Camp Hope, click the brochure below.



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