Cruise Ship Crashes Into Lock Wall, up to 30 Injured

Cruise Ship Crashes Into Lock Wall
Up to 30 people were injured when their cruise ship crashed into a wall in the Eisenhower Lock in the Saint Lawrence Seaway in Massena, N.Y. Photo from Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation/Facebook


Cruise Ship Crashes Into Lock Wall, up to 30 Injured


Up to 30 people were injured when their cruise ship crashed into a wall in the Eisenhower Lock in the Saint Lawrence Seaway in Massena, N.Y. Photo from Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation/Facebook
Up to 30 people were injured when their cruise ship crashed into a wall in the Eisenhower Lock in the Saint Lawrence Seaway in Massena NY Photo from Saint Lawrence Seaway Development CorporationFacebook


MASSENA, N.Y., June 19 (UPI) — A cruise ship traveling to Canada through the St. Lawrence Seaway crashed into a concrete wall in the Eisenhower Lock, injuring up to 30 people.

The Coast Guard said the 286-foot luxury liner was carrying 274 passengers and crew when it hit the lock, a narrow manmade canal, about 9 p.m. Thursday. Up to 30 people were injured, two have serious injuries.

“When the ship hit the wall, it started taking on water,” Coast Guard spokeswoman Lauren Laughlin said, adding crew immediately closed doors to the lock and removed water so the ship wouldn’t sink. Rescue workers used ladders, ropes and pulleys to remove the injured to land because the ship was not near a pier.

The Montreal-based ship was enroute to Toronto. The cause of the collision is under investigation.


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