The Dangers of Testosterone
Is an increase in one sexually satisfying encounter a month worth the increase in possibility of breast cancer or coronary artery disease? This is from approximately four to five times per month that people are getting testosterone treatments.
This is the question that Sydney M. Wolfe asked the Food and Drug administration (FDA) committee concerning the Transdermal Testosterone Patch. It was stated that the FDA should immediately add a black box warning about the increased risks of heart attacks and other cardiovascular dangers to the product labels of all testosterone-containing drugs available in the U.S.

Testosterone is a naturally occurring sex hormone that is produced in a man’s testicles. There are only a couple reasons that testosterone would be given to men and sometimes women. For men it is to treat conditions caused by a lack of this hormone, such as delayed puberty, impotence also known as erectile dysfunction, or other hormone imbalances. For women this drug is used to treat breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.
There was a study involving 55,000 men and showed the effects from before and after they used testosterone. The risk of heart attacks among men 65 and older during the first three months of using the drug was twice the risk seen in the year before use. Also the study found that there was, for the first time, a 2.9-fold increase in heart attack risk among men under 65 with a history of heart disease who took testosterone.
Physicians must complete a proper patient evaluation and check current testosterone levels.
To make sure that testosterone is safe for you tell your doctor if you have:
- Diabetes
- Enlarged prostate
- A history of heart disease or coronary artery disease
- High cholesterol or triglycerides
- Breast cancer
- Liver or kidney disease
- If you are bedridden
- If you take blood thinner
The times that you should not receive testosterone is if you are allergic to it or if you have:
- Prostate cancer
- Male breast cancer
- Serious heart conditions
- Severe liver disease
- Severe kidney disease
- Or if you are pregnant or may become pregnant