SALT LAKE CITY, JAN. 10, 2O25 (Gephardt Daily) – The suspect wounded during a Salt Lake City officer-involved shooting early Thursday morning has died.
According to a Friday night news release from SLCPD PR Unit, the suspect, identified as Chandler Grillone, 32, died in the hospital.
“Based on the preliminary investigation, a SLCPD officer conducted a traffic stop at 1:41 a.m. on Thursday, January 9, 2025, near 375 South 765 West.
“During the investigation, Grillone, who was not involved in the traffic stop, approached the officer on scene.
“The SLCPD officer gave multiple commands to Grillone—who had a weapon,” the SLCPD statement said.
“The suspect confronted, challenged, and attacked the SLCPD officer.
“During the incident, the SLCPD officer fired at least one round.
“Because the investigation is ongoing, the SLCPD cannot provide any additional details about the weapon Grillone had.
“However, the SLCPD can now confirm that the officer involved in this incident received an injury consistent with a sharp-edged object.
“The officer’s injury is not considered life-threatening.”
It was originally reported the suspect was the only one injured in the confrontation.
“No further information can be released on this case at this time,” the SLCPD news release said.

Photo: Gephardt Daily/Patrick Benedict