#DeuelCreekFire Helicopters were able to assist ground resources this morning and early afternoon with bucket drops, to minimize active flames. Fire behavior remains minimal, despite today’s heat. No updated acreage or % contained at this time pic.twitter.com/Yrm477XuJj
— Utah Fire Info (@UtahWildfire) July 4, 2022
CENTERVILLE, Utah, July 4, 2022 (Gephardt Daily) — The Deuel Creek Fire is still zero percent contained, and has grown an estimated 28 acres since Monday morning, when it was reported at 100 acres.
“DeuelCreekFire currently at 128 acres and 0% contained,” says a statement issued at 1:46 p.m. Monday by Utah Fire Info. “Three crews en route. 80 personnel, 1 squad, 7 engines and helicopters on scene assisting suppression efforts.
“Fire is less active than last night, but potential with today’s predicted heat and winds. Please stay out of the area.”

The fire, on the benches and mountain east of Centerville, was first reported at 11:40 p.m. Sunday. Close to 90 residences were evacuated, according to reports, but all residents have since been allowed to return to their homes.
“This fire had us worried due to the wind speed and direction during the early morning hours,” says a Monday morning media post from the Centerville Fire Department. “Fortunately the wind shifted moving the fire away from homes instead of towards them.”
Gephardt daily will have more information as the story develops.
See a gallery of fire photos below.