LOGAN, UTAH – November 4, 2015 (Cache Valley Daily/Will Feelright) — A 21-year-old Preston man, Kalin R. Menlove-McGinnis, will strand trial for allegedly causing the fatal accident in September 2014 that killed a Richmond man.

According to Cachevalleydaily.com, court records show, Tuesday, 1st District Judge Kevin Allen ruled prosecutors had presented sufficient evidence to bind Menlove-McGinnis over on one count of manslaughter, a second-degree felony and no proof of insurance, a class B misdemeanor.
Utah Highway Patrol troopers claim Menlove-McGinnis fell asleep while driving a gray minivan northbound on US 91. Near the intersection of SR 61 in Cove, the vehicle drifted into the median, striking a black Jeep Wrangler from behind, driven by 42-year-old Leigh Purser. The impact pushed the Jeep into the southbound lane, where it was hit again by a Dodge pickup truck.

Purser was not wearing a seat belt and is believed to have died on impact. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Prosecutors claim Menlove-McGinnis fell asleep while driving home to Preston after working all night at a call center.
During prior testimony, prosecutors said the defendant told troopers after the accident, he had not slept in 48 hours.
This pos should be in jail. This is his second ereck and he continues to do the same thing no remorse
I’ve met this guy. HUMAN GARBAGE
admitted to coworkers he doesn’t care and continues to play video games 14 hours a day instead of sleep.