Ogden police: Homeless man jailed after alleged assault of victim who confronted him about illegal drug use

Gephardt Daily photo by Patrick Benedict

OGDEN, Utah, March 30, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — A resident of The Lantern House homeless shelter in Ogden has been booked into jail after he allegedly fractured the skull of a man who confronted him for his use of an illegal drug.

Eligah Roderick Johnson, 40, was arrested Friday, more than a week after the March 22 incident, his probable cause statement says.

“The victim confronted the suspect for smoking methamphetamine in the gazebo at the Lantern House,” Johnson’s affidavit says. “The suspect punched the victim, knocking him to the ground, then stomped and kicked the victim in the head several times.

“This incident was captured on surveillance cameras in the area. The victim sustained skull fractures and a concussion from this assault. Eligah was identified as a person of interest, and later positively identified by the victim and witness.”

Johnson was arrested for investigation of aggravated assault resulting in serious bodily injury, a second-degree felony. He was arrested by an officer of the Ogden City Police Department, and ordered held without bail in the Weber County jail.


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