Fruit Heights Teen Killed In Rollover As Family Travels To California

A teen from Fruit Heights died after being in a rollover with seven other family members. Photo Courtesy: Utah Highway Patrol

HOLDEN, Utah, June 10, 2016 (Gephardt Daily) — A 17-year-old girl from Fruit Heights died when the vehicle she and seven of her family members were in rolled Thursday morning on Interstate 15.

Utah Highway Patrol information said the accident happened on I-15 at milepost 174 just before noon, when a 15-year-old girl with a learner’s permit was driving a Chevy Suburban southbound near Holden.

The driver was attempting a lane change when the vehicle swerved and rolled into the median.

Sophia Vasquez, 17, was fatally injured in the crash.

A 19-year-old male passenger was critically injured and flown to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in critical condition.

Sophia Vasquez, 17, died in a rollover near Holden Thursday.
Sophia Vasquez 17 died Thursday in a rollover near Holden

The family is from Fruit Heights and was headed to California at the time of the accident.


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