PROVO, Utah, July 3, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — The Utah Transit Authority is providing free bus service to the 4th of July Stadium of Fire show.
The UTA is asking Stadium of Fire attendees “to save time, avoid parking hassles and travel safely by taking UVX for free,” reads a UTA press release. “This will ensure that you arrive at the stadium with ease, making your journey more enjoyable.”
UTA’s helpful tips for planning your trip:
Getting There.
Take UVX from Provo or Orem Central Station to BYU Stadium Station. Event service begins at 4:30 p.m.
Exiting Lavell Edwards Stadium.
UVX will begin departing the stadium immediately after the event ends, as buses reach capacity.
Heading toward Orem:
— Exit the stadium to the southwest for UVX heading north to Orem.
— Board UVX at the Paleontology Museum located at Canyon Road and University Parkway to ride to University Place, UVU, Orem Central Station, and all stops in between.
Heading toward Provo:
— Exit the stadium to the southeast for UVX heading south through Provo.
— Board UVX at BYU Stadium Station to ride to BYU North and South Campus Stations, Center Street Station, Provo Central Station, and all stops in between.
FrontRunner Departure:
— The last regularly scheduled FrontRunner will depart from Provo Central Station at 9:53 p.m.
— A final special event train will run from Provo Central Station north to Ogden Central Station and is expected to depart between 11:20 and 11:40 p.m.
This train will wait until all UVX buses have returned and all riders have transferred from the bus to the train. It will make all the usual stops between Provo and Ogden to ensure that all riders make it back to their destinations.
Additionally, UTA posted on its Facebook page:
“If you’re heading to the Stadium of Fire on the Fourth — #TakeTransit!
“We will be providing enhanced service to accommodate the increased riders to and from BYU‘s LaVell Edwards Stadium.
“From FrontRunner Orem or Provo Central Station, take UVX for free to BYU Stadium Station.
“For more details, visit”