Fighting For Her Rights At Age 11

Fighting For Her Rights At Age 11

DC Comics - Gephardt Daily
Source Emazecom

Eleven-year-old Rowan Hansen is fighting the crime of not enough girl superheroes like a superhero. “I love your comics, but I would love them a whole lot more if there were more girls,” Rowen wrote to DC comics.

The Champaign, Ill. fifth-grader realized that there were not enough girl superheroes after receiving a pack of Justice League Chibis  for her birthday. Hansen was disappointed to find that there were 10 boys and only two girls in the pack and decided to let DC Comics know with a well-written letter.

She later went on stating in her letter that the girls in the Justice League Chibis pack had background colors of pink and purple. “If you’re fighting crime, I don’t understand how you’re gonna camouflage yourself if you’re wearing a bright pink suit. That’s not very practical,” Rowan told the TODAY show.

Rowan’s father, Jim Hansen, posted the full letter online.

rowan hansen
Source Huffingtonpostcom

The handwritten letter quickly went viral and DC Comics responded via Twitter.

DC Comics - Gephardt Daily



DC Comics - Gephardt DailyThe young DC Comics fan was very passionate about the issue, writing; “I remember watching Justice League cartoons when I was really young with my dad. There are Superman and Batman movies, but not a Wonder Woman one. You have a Flash TV show but not a Wonder Woman. Marvel Comics made a movie about a talking tree and raccoon awesome, but you haven’t made a movie with Wonder Woman.”

DC Comics responded to Hansen through a TODAY show story about Rowan, by presenting a new girl superhero whose name is Rowan.

There are currently two movies in the works that will feature the character of Wonder Woman, “Batman Vs. Superman: The Dawn of Justice” as well as a Wonder Woman solo movie “Wonder Woman.” The Woman playing Wonder Woman will be Gal Gadot. Other big news for female comic book lovers includes a new “Supergirl” TV series premiering in the fall.


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