Mexicoke vs. Americoke?

Coca Cola - Gephardt Daily

Mexicoke vs. Americoke?

Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been the best rivals since the beginning of time it seems. But did you know that Coca-Cola has another rival? It is their cousin from down south. This would be, yes you’ve heard of it, Mexican Coke also known as “Mexicoke.” Coca-Cola is known by 94 percent of the world’s population and the Mexican Coke has a small but devoted slice of the Coke-drinkers market.

The Mexicoke is bottled in a small glass bottle and uses real cane sugar (instead of the high-fructose corn syrup like the United States.) This makes all the difference for some people. So much that when the chief executive of Arca Continental Coca-Cola’s Mexican bottler told the people that they were going to switch over to high-fructose corn syrup fans expressed enough outrage to get the Mexican bottler to stick with the cane sugar.


[/one_fourth] [three_fourth_last]There are even Facebook pages for both the Mexican Coke and Coca-Cola. Now Coca-Cola has more than 75 million likes and the Mexicoke only has 10,000. There are 675 servings consumed per year in the South and only 394 servings in the United States. There is no denying the rise of the Mexican Coke. Mexicoke is still asked for at grocery stores and even sold in department stores instead of Coca-Cola.

It seems that even though the two colas made by the same giant beverage conglomerate are distinct enough for consumers to prefer one over the other. And they are more than willing to pay a pretty penny for the bottled beverage, which is about $1.50, the same as a 20 ounce bottle of the American Coca-Cola.

People have said that the Mexicoke has a:

  • Crisper taste

  • Fizzier taste

  • Hint of Rootbeer

While some taste testers believe that the reason the soda tastes different is simply because it comes from a glass bottle and not a plastic or aluminum can. The glass doesn’t have the ability to contaminate the soda like the plastic which has acetaldehyde in it and the aluminum can pulls flavoring out.

Which do you choose?
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