WASHINGTON, Dec. 25 (UPI) — If you answer the phone to somebody asking whether they have reached planet Earth, there’s a slim chance it’s not a prank.
While English astronaut Tim Peake did not say who he was calling, Peake tweeted an apology to an unnamed woman for dialing the wrong number when he called, asking “Hello – is this planet Earth?”
“I’d like to apologize to the lady I just called by mistake saying ‘Hello, is this planet Earth?’ — not a prank call — just a wrong number!” tweeted early on Christmas Day after the call.
Peake is the first astronaut from Britain to visit the International Space Station, where he will spend six months conducting experiments on how the human body reacts in space, as well as testing a method of zero gravity tea-making, according to ABC News.
Peake is the first British citizen to go to space since Helen Sharman, who became the country’s first astronaut when she visited the Soviet space station Mir in 1991, according to the BBC.
Peake, a 43-year-old former army helicopter pilot, has been active on Twitter since getting to the space station on December 15, posting pictures of a banner for his beloved Stoke City FC and of the Earth from high above.