Jan. 26 (UPI) — Police in Grand Junction, Colo., arrested a 45-year-old man who allegedly drove a Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck through the lobby of the police station Wednesday afternoon.
Authorities booked Nathan David Chacon into the Mesa County Detention Facility after police said he intentionally drove the truck through glass doors and crashed it into the lobby. Several people were in the lobby during the incident, but authorities said no one was injured.
“The Grand Junction Police Department believes this to be an isolated incident and there is no ongoing threat to the community,” a Grand Junction Police statement said. Police said the investigation into the incident remained active.
Chacon was charged with attempted first-degree murder, attempted first-degree assault, attempted vehicular homicide-reckless driving, attempted vehicular assault, criminal mischief and reckless endangerment.
The truck stopped when it slammed into a wall that separated the lobby from other police department employees.
“Miraculously, this wall stopped Nathan’s truck and did not allow it to go any further into the offices where numerous employees were working and going about their general daily duties,” Grand Junction Police Det. Bryce Raber said in an affidavit, according to CBS News.
Authorities said in the affidavit that Chacon talked to Raber in the police station’s parking lot. There, the suspect said he believed several vehicles were following him and “he did not want to be killed.” That’s when he drove into the lobby.
Grand Junction is on Interstate 70, 30 miles east of the Utah border.